Summer school on astronomical instrumentation for undergraduates and graduate students.
Monday July 19th – Friday July 23rd, 2021
University of California, Berkeley
Instructors and Staff Bios for 2021
Career Pathways Roundtable Bios in 2021
Participating Organizations in 2021
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Overview of the summer school experience
AstroTech participants will spend five full days immersed in the experience of building an astronomical instrument. Throughout the week, participants in the AstroTech Summer School will work in teams, gaining hands-on experience in an optics lab, and getting guidance from a team of instructors who work in instrumentation. Participants will be able to pursue different areas, based on their interests, including opto-mechanics, detectors, calibration hardware, electronics, or software. Daily activities will build upon one another toward the goal of building and testing an astronomical spectrograph as a team. Throughout the week there will be sessions focused on working effectively and inclusively on a team, with an opportunity to put what is learned into practice on teams working together during AstroTech. In addition there will be sessions supporting professional skills and a career pathways networking session which will include people from academia, industry, and government who work in instrumentation. A preliminary agenda is available here.
AstroTech will be taught by a team of instructors from across the U.S. who work in instrumentation and have an interest in making instrumentation more inclusive. There will be many opportunities, including informal social time, to get to know the instructors and become part of the AstroTech community.
How to apply
For information on how to apply and to apply to AstroTech, please visit:
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact
Who should apply
We invite applications from students in any of the fields composing the astronomy instrumentation workforce: astronomy, engineering, physics, or computer science. The summer school is designed for upper-level undergraduates (year 3+ in fall 2021 or recently completed undergrad degree) and early graduate students (masters or PhD students in year 1 or 2 of program).
A core goal of AstroTech is to help reverse the underrepresentation of people of color, women and gender minorities, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups in astronomy instrumentation. We especially encourage individuals from historically underrepresented groups to apply. Applicants from all backgrounds should have an interest in making instrumentation more equitable and inclusive.
To be eligible for the summer school, applicants must be studying or working in the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories) in 2021. U.S. citizenship is not required.
For more information on selection criteria, see the “Application” section of our How to Apply page.
COVID-19 related modifications to the summer school
For information, please visit our COVID-19 info page:
Important Dates
Fall 2020: Application opens!
January 21, 2021: Deadline to apply
Late February March 2021 or later: Applicants notified
July 18, 2021: Participants arrive
July 19 – 23, 2021: Summer School at UC Berkeley
July 24, 2021: Participants depart
Contact Us
Individuals with questions about AstroTech should contact AstroTech program staff –
AstroTech is funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation and by the National Science Foundation through the Keck All-Sky Precision Adaptive Optics (KAPA) project (AST #1836016).