The Telescope STEM Workforce

  • Scientists, engineers, and technologists
  • Working in construction, operations, instrument development and science
  • Drawn from local talent and highly specialized international community

ISEE’s role

ISEE is the legacy of the Center for Adaptive Optics education program, and has worked with telescopes since 2001.
Major projects and programs include:

Partners and participating telescopes

Preparing TMT Future Science and Technology Leaders: A workshop for graduate students and postdocs

Tuesday morning, August 22 through Tuesday, August 29, 2017 in Santa Cruz, California, USA

UC Santa Cruz hosts international workshop for Thirty Meter Telescope

An international training program for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project brought more than 40 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to UC Santa Cruz in August for an eight-day scientific and technical workshop. Workshop participants, representing all of...

Preparing TMT Future Science & Technology Leaders Day 2

Workshop Participants woke up to a view of the snow capped summit with the sunrise rays lighting up the observatories. This fuzzy image was taken for the hotel room, but you get the idea.  We got an early start, piled into vans and headed to the Subaru Hilo base...

Preparing TMT Future Science & Technology Leaders Day 1

Instructors, presenters, and participants from around the world get to know each other ISEE opened the TIO-sponsored workshop and introduced the participants to the workshop's purpose, agenda, and to the development of the future TIO international training program. ...

Final Countdown to the “Preparing TMT Future Science & Technology Leaders” Workshop

We are 3-days away from wheels-up on this groundbreaking workshop. Dozens of graduate students and postdocs from the TMT partnership are traveling from across the globe to Hilo Hawaii. The Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory is sponsoring the workshop,...