Travel, Lodging, and Site Information

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**Please note that most costs are covered for all participants accepted to AstroTech. See Program Costs page for more info.**

AstroTech is currently planning an in-person summer school with precautionary measures and contingency plans for potential COVID-19 modifications. 


Location: Summer school sessions will be held in Campbell Hall on the University of California, Berkeley campus.

AstroTech is scheduled to be an in-person, week-long workshop. This information is subject to change due to COVID-19 contingencies. Please see detailed information on our COVID-19 Info page.


Arrival and Departure

The summer school will begin at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Monday of the summer school week.  Participants traveling from outside the area should plan to arrive the prior evening on Sunday.  Days will be full of activities and participants are expected to attend the entire summer school. The summer school will conclude the evening of Friday, the last day of the summer school week, and you should plan to depart on the next day, Saturday.

Airport Travel: Plan to arrive and depart from either Oakland International Airport (OAK) or San Francisco International Airport (SFO).  Check back later for information about transit options between airports and participant lodging for the summer school.

Ground Transportation: Ground transportation options between SFO and OAK and the hotel will be posted soon. If you are within driving distance or public transit to UC Berkeley, please indicate this on your application. Some travel support is available. 

Parking: For those that need parking, the nearest open parking garage to Campbell Hall is Stadium Parking Garage, about a 6-minute walk to Campbell Hall.  The garage costs $15 for up to 10 hours.  Check back later for a map highlighting Campbell Hall and the Stadium Parking Garage.


All participants are provided with free lodging at a hotel where all AstroTech participants and instructors stay, within walking distance to the summer school site and a wide range of eating options. Lodging is planned to be double occupancy, unless COVID-19 precautions require single occupancy. Participants who live close are invited to stay with the group at the hotel to take advantage of social and networking opportunities, but may opt to stay home if they prefer. The hotel will be announced soon.

Meals: Lunch is provided for all participants during the five days of the summer school. Participants will need to cover the costs of breakfasts and dinners during the summer school, choosing from a wide range of options within walking distance of the hotel.

Contact Us

Individuals with questions about AstroTech should contact AstroTech program staff –


AstroTech is funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation and by the National Science Foundation through the Keck All-Sky Precision Adaptive Optics (KAPA) project (AST #1836016).